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CAST OUT OF EDEN Newsletters

Coming Attractions: John Muir’s Birthday and Earth Day

Every year it happens: only one spin of the earth separates John Muir's birthday on this coming Sunday, April 21, from Earth Day on Monday, April 22. The two dates aren't actually related, but then again they are, sort of. Read it here.

Beating Grammar and God into Young John Muir

In the end the thrashing taught the exact opposite lesson Muir's abusive father intended. Instead of breaking John, it drove him to escape into a wider, wilder world. Read it here.

Returning Yurok Land Undoes Conservation Movement’s White-Supremacist Origins

Yet another #LandBack success is helping rewrite the future of California's North Coast — in a good way. Read it here.

News Break: Sogorea Te' and Berkeley Flip the Extinction Script

Declared a vanished people a century ago, the Ohlones are rebuilding their presence on the San Francisco Bay shoreline through one of the most significant #LandBack victories in U. S. history. Read it here.

The Plow, a Sharp-Nosed Dog, and Wisconsin’s Discerning Mosquitoes

Young John Muir on the homestead, where his settler family was doing its part to erase Indigenous reality. Read it here.


Lessons from a Master

Adam Hochschild's take on reading and writing history benefits us all, not just writers. Read it here.


How John Muir Got Here 175 Years Ago This Month, and Why It Matters

Like other immigrants of the time, he was riding a colonial wave. Read it here.


How a Notion Became a Story

Genre sets what's in, what's out, and why. That helped. Read it here.


Hiding in Plain Sight

Super Bowl LVIII showed how painful histories stay with us. Read it here.


Where "Cast out of Eden" Came From

How a chance discovery on one book led me to write quite another. Read it here.